
Monday 29 May 2017

-+= Maths Work -+=

IALT: Reflect on my maths work that I have done for 35 mins

Today for maths me and Akanesi have been working on a task that was given to us last week. For maths I have been working on this and I have been working on the 1st question and the 2nd question. The 1st question had an example and it said that Tepi is making sweet bags for a fair and in each bag there is 1 red sweet and 3 green sweets in each bag. How many reds sweets and how many green sweets will he need if she had 9 bags. I got Nine Reads because each bag has 1 red so I put 1 in 9 bags and that how I got that answer. I got 27 greens because 3 x 9 equals 27 and I used my addition and added 3 + 3 + 3 
+ 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 and it equals 27 and altogether with the read sweets the total was 36 sweets altogether. Here is photos of my work it might be a little dark but its ok.

"🙌Featuring Akanesi's Hands🙌"

What I found challenging was finding out how the 1st questions answer. What I enjoyed on doing my maths is working with Akanesi because she helped me with some questions and I helped her with some questions she was stuck on. What my next steps are is to try read the question slowly so I can know what the question is talking about. What I didn't like about maths is that I didn't know answers to some of questions and I needed help.

I hope you like it Comment Feedback and Feedforward on what I need to work on In my future on going blogpost.

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