
Monday 13 February 2017

My Weekend (Saturday)

On Friday my teacher Miss Kormor told ups we had to do Reflection on our weekend.I hope you like my Reflection and enjoy.


On Saturday I woke up and 7.50 to get ready for my Nephews rugby program in Botany.I woke up and had a shower because it was cold and I needed to be warm.Then I came back from the shower and got changed and had to find more clothes because we were going because straight after I come back with my Nephew and Cousin.Then I went and had to help him with all his skills like Kicking,Passing,Scoring and doing more skills.Then I came back and had to put all the stuff into the car and went beach.We went beach at Eastern and we saw 1 of the churches that we competed in Netball there and it was Mangere East.We got the and it was currently 9.20 when we go there and our cousin's and some of our church members were there.We also had a look at the beach and it was High-Tide.As the time went pass the ocean went away which meant that it was Low-Tide and your couldn't swim because the ocean was far away.Then we played activities and it was to put a spoon in your mouth and you had to put a raw egg on it and try run to the finish line without dropping it.Then we did relays and we had 2 teams and we had to run and touch the person's hand and run back and touch your other team mate's hand so they can run.They we had a Piggy-Back race and we called all the mum's to come and join we did 1st and 2nd places so I went on top of my cousins and ran to the finish line and came 1st so we got to pick anything from the food table and we got Kit-Kat.Then I went for a swim and stayed in there for about 2 and a half hours v then I came outside and got changed and just came back and just sit down and eat chips and sour snakes until we came back home.When we got home I went for a Shower and washed my whole body and Hair to be clean then came and got changed then went to sleep.

What I enjoyed about Saturday was that I went with some people from my church for a swim and came out darker than before.What I found Challenging was that I got Cold fast but I still Stayed for ages.My Next steps are to not get cold and try stay warm in the water

I hope you like it Comment,Feedback and Feedforward on what I need to work on in my future Reflections

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