IALT:Reflect on what me and my peers did for fitness
Today for fitness we had a run. I ran with Frances but we jogged half way and Ran the whole way. When we reached the top courts we got ready to go off to our groups. Group 3 did Shuttle runs but it was different we had to sort ourselves into a boy and a girl group and get in a line and run to the yellow line in the middle. When everyone ran to the middle yellow line we had to run to the boys corner then run back. When everyone did that we switched and we were with Miss Airen and we did Step Ups and Squats. When we did that we swapped then we went to Mrs Kormor and we did Star Jumps and Reverse Lunges. Then we lined up and walked and got a drink then walked to class.
What I found challenging was doing the Reverse Lunges because I dont really know what to do but it was good because I did the forward lunges. What my next steps are is to try to learn what the Reverse lunges. What I enjoyed was doing the star jumps.
I hope you like it Comment any Feedback and Feedforward on what I need to work on in my future blogpost.
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