
Wednesday 12 April 2017

A day at Te Oro

IALT: Reflect on my day at Te Oro

Today at 8:30 the TPS performers went in a van and traveled to Te Oro. When we arrived we went to our room upstairs and had a look. When we looked in our room upstairs we saw Losana's work on the wall for display and it was about different kinds of things like 

  • Ko au te awa Ko te awa ko au (I am the river and the river is me)
  • Rocket on our learning
  • Learn,Create and Share
  • Tamaki Rivers
  • Family
  • Brain Storm and more.
Then we had a look around for a little bit and we had a look at some schools like 
  • Pt England
  • Panmure Bridge
  • Glen Innes and more.
Then it was our turn to perform. It didn't quite go well because the sound system didn't work so we had to use the microphone to listen to the Laptop. Then we had to start the performance and it was quite so it was hard to hear the music when we were singing because it was quite so we just sang on the last verse and it went quite well and then we finished. Then Me,Losana,Gary,Metui and Miss aireen stayed to present.

What I found challenging was singing in our performance because we couldn't hear the music. What I enjoyed was getting to see all the schools present there work. Maybe the next steps for Te Oro should be to check the sound before performing.

I hope you like it Comment,Feedback and Feedforward oon what I need to work on in my future blogpost.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Bridget and I am a year five and I go to yaldhurst school. It looked like a lot of truble with the laptop and you not being able to sing.the bilding looks awosem and what was your song.
